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We are at my inlaws this week and their internet is down so I'm way behind on the drools as usual. Today we are at my Mom's who has internet so wanted to send a Merry Christmas/Happy Howlidays out to everyone and drool for anyone that needs it.<BR>
And to make you smile: My father in law used the snowblower to make a path in the yard for the boys (the snow is over their heads), they don't have dogs but they love ours. He marked it with homemade street signs - PeePee Lane, Gunter Blvd and Wulfie Way.<BR>
Have a wonderful Holiday!<BR>
Kim with Gunter, Wulfgang and the cats (George, Chloe, Stevie and Onyx atb)<BR><br /><hr />It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_broad1_122008' target='_new'>Get your account now.</a></body>