I am not a truly religious person, but I do occasionally say a prayer ( more often for hound than human). When I saw that Lilly was missing, I felt that feeling in the middle of my stomach that all of the Droolers know....the missing hound feeling. I am truly inspired this morning (Christmas) that Lilly was found. I did say a little prayer the other day, and had my 2 houndettes go into overtime drool production for her. I am very happy that she has been found...now spoil the heck out of her for Christmas.<br>
Also, I dont get to say this too much, but I want to thank everyone on the drool for all that you do. You make me laugh and cry. You make me angry, happy, surprised, relieved, joyous.....and the list could go on. But mostly, I think you all help me be a better person, especially for my 2 girls. You have introduced me to rescues and I have met wonderful people there. I know more about Basset anatomy and illness than most vets. I also know more about basset psychology than any non-drooler. And, I will be going to my first waddle in April (Looziana BR). My girls are already excited about that.<br>
So thank you all! Merry Christmas, seasons droolings! May you all be blessed with your hounds!<br>
And my most recent prayer is for that poor boy in Kentucky.....I am praying that someone takes that boy home and loves him. He deserves it.<br>
Slave to Calypso and Harley<div id='MAILCIADA041-5c6d4953accc260' class='aol_ad_footer'><BR/><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px"></HR>Listen to 350+ music, sports, & news radio stations including songs for the holidays FREE while you browse. <a href="http://toolbar.aol.com/aolradio/download.html?ncid=emlweusdown00000013">Start Listening Now</a>! </div>