Dis Brudder Elwood. Da holidey bout ober wif. Brudder Elwood, bout xausted frum all da beggin and a smilin an bein nice, why ebbin Elder Clara a wonnerin bout me. I bee good boy. Why I ebbin git a baff todey. Yup Momma seyz da wedder be nice, youze git in da tub, we gonna scrub youze clean.I not realz heppy bout dis, dat stuff meke da brudderz smell like bunch ob dem panzie flowerz. But she dooze da deal, seyz now lookie dere Brudder Elwood, you ze gotcha dey a comin and we gonna blowz off da stink.<br>
I fink bout dis. Ponderz da sitteeation.<br>
Me gotcha dey. Dat meanz gotz ya treets, gotz ya steak, gotz ya chickey, gotz ya cake, gotz ya whut ebber youze want. Dat wurf da baff.<br>
I finks sum more.<br>
Mebbe we can git more outta dis one. How bout gotz ya month, how bout gotz ya Elder Clara new home.<br>
I gittin all cited now. I tellz Momma me thoughtz. Why da poosibliteez jus endless.<br>
Da Momma she not whelmed wif me plan.<br>
She seyz youze git one dey fur youze gotcha dey and it not bee herez yet, but it was a specul dey when you come herez. We hab meny trialz in da last year.<br>
Likez she a tellin da Brudder summfin he not knowz--she nebber tellz me bout dat suprise on da odder side ob da door called Elder Clara. Yes sir, whut a peckage dat be. Brudder Elwood trot rite in an meet da Beast ob da East dat dey. Brudder Elwood not furgettin.<br>
So da Brudder ponder all dis untilz me time. <br>
We be a hopin ebberybodie doin gud, da droolz been slow a comin todey--<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Drool to all in need<br>
Debbie Winchester<br>
Offical Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Elder Clara, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<br>
Brudder Elwood OEBE<br>
Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds</div>
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