<div>hehehe i mean pumpkin pie</div>
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<div>we lubb your handycam pichures. You guys get to go to the kewlest places, we don't get to go anywheres cause our mommy and daddy are lazy.</div>
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<div>It is kewl to see pics we can relate to good job.</div>
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<div>Bobby<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie<br><br>The Life and TImes of Ben G Meyer<br><a href="http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view¤t=9791efac.pbr">http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view¤t=9791efac.pbr</a><br>