Momma here, but being closely stupervised by Brudder Elwood. It's his GOTCHA DAY and he says I must get this right.<br>
It is hard to believe he has only been here a year, and quite a year it has been for Brudder Elwood.<br>
Elwood was dumped in a hi kill shelter in Athens TN right after Christmas last year. He was labeled by his former owner as incorrigible, (okay--there could be some truth to those words.) BellyRubs Basset Rescue was called, but there were no foster homes, no money to kennel the little guy. My computer was slammed with messages from the group that New Years eve day, everyone begging, he was too young to die. I sent a e-mail to have him pulled and put in a kennel and we would pay, but with less than 2 hours to go we knew this was going to be close. Elliot, as he was known back then, was scheduled to "go down" at the end of the business day.Leanne Potts, the leader of BellyRubs made miracles happen. She found someone to rescue Elwood, there was but minutes to spare.<br>
I headed west the following weekend to once again bring home a hound I had only seen a picture of. <br>
My, this one was a goin moochine. Sweet as could be, but the energy level pegged about a 15.<br>
And Elder Clara was at home.<br>
It was another fast trip, logging 1200 miles in 2 days, but Elwood was safe(until he met Clara), he would have a forever home. <br>
Elwood hit the door running, the rest of the gang in full sniff. Clara had such a smile, tail up wagging, I seen hope-then Elwood said hey lets play Clara-she promply pinned him to the floor. She put the Diva word on the streets from the get-go. No matter what they love each other dearly.<br>
Brudder Elwood is a special guy, to meet him you can see him think and say the things I write of him. He makes us laugh, his robust ways are something I would never change.<br>
He is demanding I bolt down to the stove and cook all his favorites today.<br>
Brudder Elwood, for your gotcha day, you got it. I am just thankful you are mine.<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Drool to all in need<br>
Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Elder Clara, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake<br>
Brudder Elwood OEBE<br>
Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds</div>
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