<DIV>Val: </DIV>
<DIV> Here in Western Pennsylvania on July 11, 2009 we are having Slobberfest 2009 -- tenth anniversary in Union City near Erie, PA. </DIV>
<DIV>Contact info is Judy Helfferich (814) 739-2082 </DIV>
<DIV>email: <A href="mailto:clanzoo@clanimalzoo.com">clanzoo@clanimalzoo.com</A></DIV>
<DIV>I am a new basset hound momperson to Jody who was a resuce dog who I was supposed to foster but after one month I knew it was gonna be a "pack of two"--me and him! My Oliver went to the bridge on 11/13/08 and it was way to lonely. Fostering seemed like a good idea, adopting has been even better. What a hoot this breed is--the stubborness, the laziness, the water drinking percurlarities, the soulful looks of love, the ears, its all good! We just took a hour and a half trip and he was perfect in the car, both ways. Oliver used to have a fit and cry and whine even on short trips. Jody laid down and slept. Gotta love him.</DIV>
<DIV>I really appreciate all the info I am getting from this web site. You guys have no idea how much practical "wisdom" you impart and I always go to your websites and check out the bassets. Jody and I aren't quite there yet! When he hears them barking (especially Kelvin--thank you </DIV>
<DIV>Carmen) one ear and one eye goes up and sometimes the whole head! </DIV>
<DIV>Thanks again Droolers!</DIV></body></html>