This is how dumb I can be.<br>Yrs ago we had two dogs and two cats. The Village stipulates you may have 3 dogs. Or so I read the rules. So I went I went in and ordered 4 licenses for my pets. Oh no, you can only have THREE PETS. (The stipulation is really for "three four-legged pets" tempting me to buy a herd of sheep and cut one leg off each sheep, thus avoiding the fees altogether and giving my Belgians something to herd.) (I AM KIDDING).<br>
Anyway all kinds of horrible things happened and AControl was at my door demanding I get rid of one pet. Luckily at the time AC was someone I knew quite well and I said well, the cat really belongs to my son who will be coming to pick him up. AC laughed and said oh, yeah, ok fine.<br>
I then went to the animal hospital and put the cat in my son's name.(Eventually we ended up with two dogs and three cats, then five dogs and now four.) (no cats, alas.)<br><br>That was the last time I registered with the Village.<br>
I am a bad person. But we all knew that already.<br><br>MomPerson to the Illegals.<br>