Greetings Droolers,<br>I haven't been posting much but I have been reading and trying to keep up. I have to admit things are still not the same for me with Annie gone but I think it's getting easier. Anyway, I do hope all the best for everyone out in droolland this year - peace, health, happiness.<br>
<br>Being newish to buppyhood, I have a couple of questions. Izzy is having her spay surgery tomorrow and while I know it will soon be over and done with and a distant memory, I am worried about what the recovery will be like. I know my vet will give very good instructions but I guess I'm just wondering how you keep them from being so active other than using the crate and the leash more. I hope the healing process will be fast so any drool will be appreciated.<br>
<br>Also, I have been told by my vet and the people and my pet food store (of course they are a business and may just be looking at the bottom line but who knows) that I need to keep Izzy on puppy food for a full year. I've been feeding her Innova and she's not overly fond of it. Teddy gets Fromm which is supposed to be an all stages of life food. I'd love to get them on the same food. Rudy's vet (Rudy is her real life brudder who lives in Cincinatti with Auntie Pat and Pw. Lilygurl) said Rudy could go on regular food a month ago and he's doing fine. I welcome any and all opinions. Izzy is still on the thin side, not necessarily a bad thing and probably mostly due to the fact that she is still growing like a weed, but I just wonder sometimes. The puppy food is supposed to have more calories but if she doesn't like it, what's the point. I guess I could switch her but it's hard to find a store that carries good quality puppy food on a regular basis.<br>
<br>Thanks for your help and again Happy New Year!! We have our calendar and it's a beauty as are all the houndies in it.<br><br>Drool to all in need,<br>Beth<br>&Izzy &Teddy<br>(Bailey has gone home to his Mama who is home now)<br>