<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV id=yiv1894671149>
<DIV>mr cooper at times drinks like he's a camel going on a forced dessert march. he'll empty any water bowl he comes accross. when we are at the dog park he must empty ever water bowl that is out. even if he has had a nice drink before we left the house as soon as he walks into the park he makes a bee line right for the bowls..(okay its like 2 degrees out and its only a 15 minute ride..its not like the boy suddenly dehydrated). i can shoo him away but he'll return time and time again until he decided its time to go off and stare into the tree line and wait for the groundhog fairy to drop one onto his feet (hope springs eternal) or to continue eating all the little seeds or whatever they are that fall off the trees in the park.</DIV>
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<DIV>with him i think it goes back to his rough puppyhood in tennessee. from what i can piece together he didn't get fed or watered much so i think he tanks up just in case he might never see another bowl of water again. it's the same reason i think his prey drive is so strong for the damn groundhogs. the setter in him causes him to "set" at a burrow for literally hours until one pops out and then the fun begins.</DIV>
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<DIV>coop, while i love him dearly is not the sharpest tool in the shed...he is as gentle as they come unless you are a groundhog...then you are lunch. last spring he killed 5 of them inside the dog park (yup INSIDE the park...made for lovely entertainment but hey if you are a groundhog and you are inside a dog park what do you expect?). however if the same groundhog was inside my house it would get a free pass...inside the house anything is family (thank god said the oppossum last fall...don't ask).</DIV>
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<DIV>the best was the rocket scientist who told me that coop was a menace to children because of the groundhog thing...i told him well yeah...iffen your kid slithers out from under a fence and a burrow dressed in fur smelling like a groundhog...then i would be worried. duh. meanwhile his kids were loving coop.</DIV>
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<DIV>he would be an incredible therapy dog but he is not smart enough to pass the canine good citizen test...he adores special needs people and kids and will sit for hours with them. just don't ask for anything beyond "SIT"</DIV>
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<DIV>anyway...i love my bassetter...even if he does have his quirks. he is a nice bit of calm after dealing with buster brown basset hound</DIV>
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<DIV>lois & the boys from the burg (july 9)</DIV></DIV></td></tr></table>