I assumed we were dealing with excessive stench. With the heavy flews and pendulous ears there are plenty of places for bacteria to make a happy and very smelly home. Mitchell has had problems with Lip Fold Pyoderma which, seriously, makes him smell like a sewer. It took awhile to figure out what it was but now I know he may get it in the summer when it is humid and so I clean his lips with benzoyl peroxide gel. (The same stuff in acne medication, which also works.) He has been lucky with ears, which get dirty but not infected, and because i can do anals at home I can deal with that, as well. <br>
But any of those things may cause a Basset to really stink. It would make ANY dog stink, for that matter, but Bassets with their oily hound coats seem more prone to this kind of stuff than a lot of other breeds. Beagles and Bloodhounds, too, have the same oily hound coat. I do not know this for a fact but I suspect that hounds produce more bodily oils than a lot of other breeds. Their coats are "hard" as opposed to soft and fluffy, and the oils make them somewhat water repellent for field work. My guess anyway. Good as any. Free, too.<br>
<br>MomPerson to Mitchell, Llewis, Nigel and Cooper<br>