Wanted to chime in on this post.<br>I have just finished reading the book over break. I am not one to rush out to movies, I can't sit for that long and will wait for the dvd.<br><br>I already knew before even seeing this movie or reading the book that it <br>
would be a tear jerker. I knew that Marley would get old as all dogs do, and his time would come at the end of the book/movie. So I don't know how it can be "ruined". Just like<br>with old yeller and where the red fern grows...you know it is going to come.<br>
<br>The book however was very touching and I highly reccomend it. It<br>teaches about life and changes that we go through whether they be good or bad.<br>Its also about unconditional love which the owners of Marley had and gave<br>
back to Marley as he gave it to them, plus passed it on to their children.<br><br>The book never mentions them putting Marley down to go to disney land nor I think the movie<br>would do that. People would be outraged if that was the case. The depression that Jenny suffered from what I gather from the book was very bad. They did mention that Marley was built like an ox and nothing ever phased him when it came to pain, not that it would be right to beat on a dog (hard or not hard to let out frustration) <br>
<br>I was amazed that Marley suffered and died because of bloat. I think it was good that was mentioned as many owners would not know what to do it they saw this happen to their dog. So that was educational in that piece. I did not know of bloat until Santana came into our lives 2 years ago and the DD mentioning it. I always have my eye on him now for this and feed him accordingly (not that anyone really knows what causes bloat but I take precautions)<br>
<br>I would have thought Marley would have gotten sick because of something he ate! He ate all kinds of objects that I would be a nervous wreck if Santana ingested those things. I am an<br>over protective mother though of my boy!<br>
<br>They did try with Marley and trying to correct this behaviors but with no luck, but they loved him anyway. They could have easily just gave him up but they did not.<br> <br>This book made me laugh and cry outloud. <br>
<br>The movie is yet to be seen!<br clear="all"> <br>-- <br>Anitra <br>Momma To <br>Santana Senor Smarty Pants Ov The WildWest OEBE<br>AkA. Mr. Pants The Basset Hound <br><br>Check out Mr. Pants' woofsites! <br>Dogster Page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568</a> <br>
OR<br>Myspace Page: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/santanadog">http://www.myspace.com/santanadog</a><br><br>There is no psychiatrist in the world like a Basset Hound licking your face<br>