Dere be wadder and den dere be Wadder. Sum wadder warm an sudzy. Not da kine I talking about. Some wadder lotsa wadder like a leke or pont or da ocshun whut I nebber have seen.<br>Meny yeers ago i wented to a leke.And i swum. MomPerson hadda trekkin harness on me whut gotta strap on da beke so she cood greb me iffn i sunk. I LUBBED it. I coodent swim far but I cood swim an no i didint sink needer. My ears flot. My lips flot!! My tail it a rudder. I wanted ta play wif da reetreevers dere but I coodent swim out dat far.<br>
I eben did dok divin.<br><br>Iffn youse goes here: <a href=""></a> You will see a pixshure ob me dok divin. I were younger.<br><br>
<br>Love and Drool to everone in need and a You Go to Kahuna,<br>Mitchell, of Mitchell and dem odder bothersome liddel chilren.<br>