Chicago is a HUGE heartworm positive area. Why this is so I do not know but I do know it is a fact that we have a tremendous number of positive heartworms every year. I personally have killed mosquitoes both in my house and in the kennels during the winter. If they are infected, I don't know.<br>
Remember too, that if your neighbor's dog has heartworm and the squiotes bite him and then wander into your yard or house, you are at risk (ok your dog is at risk.)<br>I am not sure about the dangers of giving heartworm meds if a dog is positive. I know it used to be extremely dangerous to the dog but am not positive that is the case anymore.<br>
At any rate, when you weigh the cost of the medication and a blood test against the pain and cost of the treatment-- what does it run now, around $600? Plus the risk to your dog from the dying's a no brainer.<br>
In the Chicago area, giving Heartworm year round is NOT a way of making money. It is genuinely a way to keep your dog healthy.<br><br>MomPerson who, with 4 dogs, wishes it WERE a scam!!<br>