I think that some dogs take a looong time to be comfortable enough in a new place to bark. It is a form of self-assertion, after all. All those other dogs barking, that must be intimidating when you are the new kid on the block. You know how some people don't say much when they're in a large group, but others are yakking it up and blaring laughter? Well, I believe dogs have the same response to new situations, and that some are simply more cautious, more inhibited, quieter and less verbal than others. And some are budding alpha dogs-- when they bark, the others listen. But then they don't have to bark very often.<br>
<br>Debarking is usually done when an owner has a lot of yappy dogs and
doesn't want the neighbors complaining. Walking through a large dog
show you may encounter groups of certain breeds (not Bassets and
unnamed here) that have a whispery, hoarse "bark"and these usually are
Others are puppymillers who do not want the authorities and/or
neighbors to know they have two thousand dogs living in a 10x10 ft shed
in the back forty. I do not know how de-barking is done outside of a
Veterinarians office and I do not wish to know, but doing it unless you
are a Vet IS barbaric and cruel and my thoughts on punishment for those
people are equally barbaric and cruel.<br>
Some dogs, otherwise wonderful pets, just don't know when to shut up.
Faced with constant complaints,or official visits from the police, some
people choose to have their dogs debarked. By a Vet. It is not as
horrible as you are imagining. No cuts are made from the outside-- or
at least they don't need to be-- it is done in a manner very similar to
a tonsilectomy, and 99% of the dogs have a hoarse, whispery back
afterwards. This belies the criticism that they cannot communicate with
other dogs. Maybe not long distance, but certainly up close. If it
keeps the dog in the home instead of rescue or the shelter or worse, is
this cruel? Don't send me your answers. I already believe what i believe. I do not think de-barking should be a routine response to a noisey dog but when the chips are down and the Cops and Animal Control are at the door, it is something to consider.<br>
<br>MomPerson who DadPerson thinks should be debarked.<br><br><br>