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Dear drool, <BR> <BR>Dis is da Ninja Girl. Mom is doin da typin so it should sound mowr like slave talk. Anywayses, We here in Illinoise are all digusteddd. Our dinners were late. really late as in almost two hours late. Why? I tell u why. Dat teenage big boy slave was late commmmin home and he appost a feed us. He jst late. I almost died of tummy growlins. I was so hungry I had to eat pretzels. Sawdust with salt. We were nearly faint with da hungers. I want a new slave boy. Dis one is broken. His clock not work rite. And I want better treats. And I want one not so stinky. Dis one smell like gas--not dat kind-- da kind in da car. He spillt it on da shirt. <BR> <BR>Da grills and me are going to gang up later on da stinky boy. Maybe we can drool him into bein on time. <BR> <BR>Ninja is signing out. I gots to referree da wrestlking match going on right now. Magggie vs Marley. Chubby vs Grumpy. Gotta go. <BR> <BR>Ninja Marie the most beautimoose houndette in ILLInois2q1(Ninja was actually typing right there)<BR>
<BR> <BR> <BR><BR><BR><br /><hr />Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. <a href='http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_t1_allup_explore_012009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>