Dis Nigel.<br>We lettin Mr. Cooper Sir rite dis so it rite, rite Llewis? Yeah dat rite. So here goes.<br><br><br><br><br>go on, Mr. Cooper! Ok here we go:<br><br><br><br><br>Mr Cooper Sir whutchu doon??? No wait. You kiddin, rite? FRENCH??? Ya meens like alley voo fransay? Oh for....You gotta fransay book, Llewis? No. Grate. Lessee whut we do now, Llewis? Yeah, whut we awways do. Depent on we. So quit licking dat page wif da ledduce onit an git dat book reddy here we goes, Llewis an dis imported.<br>
<br>MomPerson verry sad. We dont like dis. We goes ousside. It snowin. We play in da snow an dere lotsa snow an when we looks up she laff. Ok step won. (She fink all dat snow on are eers an face a axident?) Den we cum in an goes counner croosin. I Nigel da nose got she lippy slime stuff. She wannit beke. I dropt it an Llewis grabt it. She grabt at Llewis an he run inna odder room and hide it. She cant fine it. She fink he eet it. Shee all hytstorical. Mitchell run in da odder room an grabit. Now she see he gottit an takin it away frum he. (He a gennelman an gib it up) Now she laffing again. Score too.<br>
Den she siddown at da puter.<br>UH OH. Dis whut start ebberfing to start wif.<br>She go oooooooonoooooooooo an get all teery <br>We go ooooooooonoooooo all are hart werk!!! But dat not it. No, she oberwhelmt. So meny peepels like we stories! So meny peepels write nicey things. She so whatchacallit, Llewis.....welll LOOK IT UP!! Whatchu meen how you lookit up not noing whut da word be? You know, like, feels like....in bare assed. Dat it. (Uh Llewis, dat da rite spellin? You sure? Dat page missin? whut were onit? Oooooooman! hamboogie greeze??? Oh! Nebbermind!!)<br>
She finkin she cant nebber go beke now and DEN IT HAPPEN.<br>Yup, Llewis save da day.<br>He walkers ober, looks up atter wif dat speshul innyscent Basset look and urp up her lip slime all ober she slipper ($60: Brookstone). He not hide it affer all. Grampa Mitchell, he done foun anodder won. Llewis et dat lipslime all down. Pop. And it come rite beke up. Pop. <br>
She say OH MY .........<br>But she be beke when she git dat slipperz cleent. GOOD WORK LIDDEL BRUDDER. Boy, you breaf smell nasty!!!<br><br>Love and Drool to our Speshual Fambly of Droolers,<br>Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell, Cooper and MomPerson too.<br>