Yesterday at work (I was not there, maybe a good thing) some people, human people you know with "brains"-- brought their dog in because he was unresponsive. He is an outside dog.<br>Ok I live in the Chicago area. Yesterday with the windchill I would let the dogs out and set a timer for 4 minutes because the windchill averaged about -20 to -45. The temp itself was about 2. So figure these people live in the immediate area, and they had this dog living outside.<br>
<br>Now for the fun part. Guess what kind of dog it is? (Yes, it is going to live) No, it was not a Basset but I have Bassets and so this counts as Basset related. <br>Was it a Malamute with a good heavy coat?Noooooo<br>Was it a St Bernard? Noooooo<br>
Was it a Belgian Sheepdog Nooo, or the people would be...deceased.<br>No, boys and girls, it is a big, friendly, still chilly, beautiful, red DOBERMAN PINSCHER with a coat about 1/4" long. Good outside dog for this area.<br>
DONT PEOPLE EVER THINK????????????<br><br>Thank you for letting me vent. This way I may not kill anyone.<br>MomPerson to very warm Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell and Cooper.<br>