The Doberman is,as far as we can tell,going to be fine. AControl and the ASPCA visited the owners and were sufficiently convinced that this was not a criminal matter but a stupidity matter that,with some stipulations and home visits the dog will be allowed to go home. For awhile they have to bring the dog in once a week for check-ups, and they may not miss any of them<br>
The dog will no longer be an outside dog. They have been told it is too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer and if they cannot agree to that the dog will be rehomed.<br>Since the owners themselves brought the dig in,instead of a neighbor, it can be argued (feebly) that they at least attempted to help the dog.<br>
Other than appearing very depressed,the dog seems to be ok.<br><br>Nigel and Llewis send warm and happy Vibes to him<br>