Dis here Nigel and I thinkin I git a new bizniss. MomPerson wented sumplace taday an come beke wif a new won a dem VDs. Youse nose, da fing go inna TV an it play a moobie or sumfin like dat. <br>Well dis VD it gott Jimmy Buffett onit singin. He bearfoot an jus sit aroun wif he geetar singin an MomPerson say he meke foreT3 milyun monies for doin dat.<br>
So me an Llewisl fink we in da wrong biznizz ob juss been dogs. I meen been dogs all good an neverthing but I eben NAMED affer a song by dis guy (My reel neme are Bonsai's Quietly Making Noise)so I gone become a singher.<br>
All I needs a geetar an a paira flippyflobbies. I awreddy gots da AAAAHHHHRROOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo.<br>I hafta chenge my neme too. Gotta meke it sumfin eyelandish. Like....mebbe...Jimmy Buffett. Llewis you fink he mind I borrowed he neme? He do,hunh. Lots, hunh? Yeah ok so we work on dat part. An whut?Oh yeah-- Ineed two pair ob flippyflobbies. <br>
Llewis how dem fings stay on my feets? Rubberbands? Uhhh.....I dunno....dat sound....tite.<br>So gotta git a geetar....an flippyflobbbies, an a neme.<br>I got da neme ob we firss song awwreddy tho. Y'all reddy for dis? Dis Big. Okey, here we is :I Done Got Cawt In Da Rip Currant Ob Love<br>
<br>Aint it grate??? Llewis where you goin? Ya gott a helpme rite da words...Llewis! Hey!<br><br>Love and Drool to everyone in need,<br>Nigel and Llewis HEY LLEWIS WAIT!!!!<br>