<WBR>Momma here. We have read todays drools with interest as always, and I had to chuckle when Emily asked what deficiency causes a hound to eat poop. My first thought would be that they have not recieved their big boy brains yet-deficency of brains. The vaccum between the earflaps around here this week should be enough to suck up any molting basset hair within the US borders. Are my hounds happy??? They ought to be glad they are still sucking air, after the things they have done this week-and it is only Wednesday.<br>
Can you tell they might of pushed Ol Momma right to the limits???<br>
Brudder Jake, my poop snickle eater has ran out of snickles. But being a basset of many resources, Brudder Jake has improvised his lack of snickles. Brudder Jake has now taken to ripping up frozen grass, with the dirt attached of course, and being cold outside, he brings it right into the house, he jets thru the dog door, his jowls are so big he is like a backhoe. Now Jake does not eat this, like his snickles, he throws them at the other hounds, shreds them, shakes his head and watches the melting bits fly. Clara's perch is now on its third trip thru the wash this week, one of his favorite locations. We have now shut the dog door, do a cavity search when they come in, but this morning I was running late for the hound supporting job. I let them out, left the dog door open, ran upstairs to grab my computer, and came down to disaster. My living room was covered with bits of dirt, melting into the carpet, and here was Brudder Jake smiling and throwing chunks of grass and dirt dancing about as he did this. Brudder Elwood was stupervising, Elder Clara laughing, Sister Daisy had a chunk of mud stuck on her back, and Ol' Bob slept thru this attack of my house. Hubby had shampooed this carpet-which is light grey, yesterday. <br>
I told them all it was certainly a good thing that I love them-and that goodwill wouldn't accept them.<br>
They are going to bed early for the second night in a row-for protection.<br>
Oh yes, one more thing, Elwood did mention something about a conference call, <br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Drool to all in need<br>
Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake, OEBE Elder Clara - Queen of Farts,<br>
Brudder Elwood OEBE<br>
Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds</div>
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