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I am so glad that Sweet Sarah was found safe and sound! I have never met Sarah or Frank the Tank, but feel like I know them due to Nancy's postings on YouTube. I'd be in a panic if one of our hounds got out!<BR>
It has finally happened, I went to the grocery store yesterday to specifically buy chicken for Eddie. Eddie is on a boiled chicken & white rice diet. Up until yesterday, I had plenty of chicken in the deep freeze, and lots of rice in the pantry. He loves his new diet, but as I eat my pb&j sandwich for lunch, I can't help but wonder why my hounds sometimes eat better than their slaves. *sigh* His anemia, pancreatitis (sp), & colitis, is better, and he is feeling more like a puppy than an 11 year old. My DH says he races around like he is on LSD or something. I am just happy that he is feeling better. <BR>
Drool to all in need!<BR>
Jennifer C. w/ Eddie ... when's dinner & Lucy ... i want chickie too!!!!<BR>
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