Mitchell is about the same as he was. Very wobbly in the rear, very tenative in the front, not wanting to lift his head to look up. His appetite, however, is undiminished, about what I would expect. I am going to back off on the Dexamethasone as he has already developed diarrhea. I am not at all sure it is doing much anyway. I would think that an IV injection would have shown some immediate improvement, even if it was not long-lasting, but I saw no evidence of that. I am looking into swimming therapy, trying to find someplace affordable and close to home, but I will take him wherever he needs to go.<br>
As most of you know I am not a huge fan of alternative/holistic medicine but I will do whatever I need to do to help Mitchell. He is still walking and talking but is very very careful where he puts his feet.<br><br>MomPerson to Mitchell, Llewis, Nigel and Cooper<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br><br>BGS<br><br><br>"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" (Bill Watterson)<br>