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<RTE_TEXT>There is a whole lot of sleeping going on here, at least by the four leggers who are snoring in blissville right now. Marley is so loud, she needs one of those Cpac sleep machines. Maybe that's why she has such crabby moments all the time. Shelby snores too which may be related to her fat. I hope the fat dog police don't come around here because they would not like the way she looks. We need to work on it but walking is out of the question right now. She gets around just fine on her short little legs but cannot keep up with the others. She will have to walk solo or everyone will be frustrated. She is an absolutely delightful girl because she has so much spirit for her age. She is pleasant and doesn't get upset when certain girls named Marley get all snotty at her. <BR>
I am going to call the folks about the basset who needs a home in a few minutes and may have already worked out a home for him/her. We'll see. <BR>
When I was at school the other day, I was telling the kids about the girls. They always love dog stories. I told them about Shelby and how she was looking for a forever home. One of the little boys said he would buy her. I told him that you couldn't "buy" a rescue dog but there was a fee to pay for things. He looked at me very seriously and said he had saved $32 and he would give it all to me if he could have her. It almost made me cry. Some of these kids don't have much and a pet is just a dream. <BR>
The DH is home today too since the roads are so bad. Very soon I may take my chances because he is making me crazy. <BR>
We are sending unslippery drool to all those who need it and get well or feel better drool too.<BR>
Ninja-Dad, will you quit getting out of the chair and let me sleep?<BR>
Marley-I do not need a sleep mooshine either.<BR>
Maggie-I need a nap. I need a snack. I need a nap. I need a snack..........................<BR>
Shelby-Is it dinner time yet?????????????????????????????<BR>
and the MOM<BR>
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