<div>What a horrible week. After Gus and PW Jacques, now Chili and Harvey are at the bridge, and Harvey so young. I know the buffet must be going overtime! Hearthealing drool to Lee and Renee and to Melissa and Jo. And poor Becky being threatened by some whackadoodle. Inspector Morse must get on the case and get this bad person caught so Becky has peace of mind. We're sending peace of mind drool.</div>
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<div>Drool that the Colonel stays safe in Afghanistan. I will keep him in my prayers. Continued drool for Grampa Mitchell -- glad to here he's doing a bit better. Drool to Dan and his sore paw, and to Chrissie on her foreign object surgery. No more eating plastic flowerpots!!! And drool to the Roach family as they struggle to get their home back together after the terrible ice storm.</div>
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<div>But there was some happy news too. We were glad to hear Tinkerbelle is responding well to her grain free diet and Benadryl, and hope that allows her to continue to have good, comfortable time for a good long while. We're so glad Beckie got pulled -- thanks to all of the droolers who opened their hearts to let that happen. Mona is doing better with her UTI, and Biscket got his forever home. And happy birthday to Olivia! And best of all, Nigel and Llewis have made up. My Nigel t-shirt came today -- I love it! Now I just need my Llewis shirt to go with it! Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>