Dis Nigel. Oh, an Llewis. We gots worries. Oh yeh. Big ole wons. Da kine dat keep ya up at nite. Well.....not me, but mebbe Llewis.<br>I sleeps good, ynose. I meen whuts a guy like me gotta worries abo---oh sorry, ok ok Llewis sorry sorry.<br>
<br>Dere weerd stoff goin on.<br>Grampa Mitchell he go out won day nebber come beke. But when Momperson come home frum werk I smellers he on she.So we nose he out dere. He not libbin in da Van I donit hope he not enyways it gettin colt at nite. I donit fink MPerson wood do dat ebbin if Grampa done sumffin arfful, an we fink he didint he nebber do nuffin bad.<br>
Den da MPerson she cookin chikie rice an cheeze an you fink we git eny? Nooooooooooo. She teke it wif she to werk. She eet it? I no fink so,. Nuna dem whatchacallit, Llewis? Spikers in it. Whut? Dat whut I say, spikers. Splicers? hot stuff. fings whut meke it testy for peepels. SPICE.<br>
<br>Ok den taday she go away (it her day home wif we) an come beke smellering ob Grampa. Not much like im, just she hands. Humf. Den she goousside an teer up parta da finss aroun da shed nummer 1. (she gots 3 obum. She fink we not nose whut innum. Nose nose. One gots lawn molar. stuff like dat. Too gots ---whut? Whuts rong wiff tellin? Oh alll rite! You such a ....liddel...<br>
<br>Ok she teke da finss INNA HAWSE!! It all dirdy. It still sittin dere in da hallway. She tella Dadperson to set it up tomorry when she at werkers. What da c@t goin on here???? We gone heve a finss in da hawse? Pritty weerd, you fink too?<br>
<br>Love an Drool to all in need speshually auntie cookie not feelin good.<br>Nigel an Llewis<br>