hello<br> <br>my basset is only two months, and he cant go out. i will take him walk three times per day. but now he must stay at home until he take all the vacines. sooo...the problem are my neighbours.:( I dont like them because they spent all the day yelling to their child, and makes me angry. i never spoke to them to avoid intimacies. And, consequently, they dont like me. I only have the puppy for 1 week, and he dont bark at nigth, only when i put him in the kitchen for punishment when he do pee in the wrong place. At nigth he goes to is bed at he sleeps all nigth. When i am at work i dont know if he barks, but when i came from work he is allways silent. and i go out only two or three hours. <br>
<br>soo, i am allowed to have a dog, but what if my neighbour wants to take him from me? what should i do?<br><br>