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It has been a while since I posted an update on Elvis. As you know he went down in the back just over six months ago- the vet believes due to spondylosis. He is happy as a clam- a lovebug- he is most content when there is someone to snuggle with him. Several times he has managed to half stand on his back legs. A couple of times even did sort of a 'duck walk' for a few steps. When he is excited his tail will wag- not fully, but enough!<BR>
As I said it's been just over 6 months and I do tell him that if he plans to 'find' his legs- anytime would be good LOL!<BR>
He is no longer x-penned when we leave him - as he has learned that if you push against the pen hard enough, it WILL give way. I worry he will get hurt and take the chance that if he has to poop- that it will not happen on the only rug in the house! So far so good. He is so mobile that his bellybands are forever slipping off- but again, everything is washable. He is such a sweet boy and we love having him here.<BR>
Also he keeps us safe from the deer outside- nothing fires him up like seeing them in the backyard through the glass doors! He goes out on the porch and gives them what-for :) Sometimes they will run away...I think they do it just to make him feel like the protector that he thinks he is!<BR>
So we are still quite hopeful that he will regain the use of his legs. They are getting some muscle back to them and when he scootches along his legs make a 'pushing' motion. His butt is no longer scrawny looking, and by the weight of him when I haul him around- he's not missing many meals either!<BR>
droolies, Angelika , Ms.Brandy and Elvis too!<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. <a href='http://windowslive.com/howitworks?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_t1_allup_howitworks_022009' target='_new'>See how it works.</a></body>