<div>cowboy here. a couple ob houndies have pawmailed me asking how i got my slave trained so well to adjust pillows and ruffle blankets for me. its pretty easy once you get the hang of it....try it the next time you need to show your brudder who the slaves love best...er i mean, next time you be havin trouble gettin comfy.</div>
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<div>step 1: Just look at the slave, snout pointed downward, eyes real big and blink several times as if to say "seriously? cant you just help a widdle hound get comfy? i just a widdle biddy houndy...pweeeeze???" and keep blinking and looking directly at them. dont let them break their stare, hold eye contact ever so pitifully.<br>
<br>step 2: if they dont immediately come help you then you turn from nice widdle houndy to pissed off and irritated. spin around, dig your spot, spin, dig, huff, puff, spin, dig, huff, puff. its like an army chant, "spin, dig, huff, puff. spin, dig, huff, puff" instead of 1-2-3-4. this should work to get those slaves cooperating. <br>
<br>if dog forbid it doesnt, then make your own bed (since we all really know its not all that hard to get comfy and take a nap, hehehe) and shun the disobediant slave for an hour or so. when they want cuddles or try to pet you, turn your head, huff, puff and walk away. just watch, the next time they see you trying to get comfy (start with widdle biddy poor houndy again) they will most certainly get up to help you. <br>
<br>best of luck. lub, cowboy</div>