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Just wanted to thank everybody again for the nice emails and Drool posts that everybody left when I had to put Charlie down recently. I'm sorry it has taken me a couple weeks to acknowledge, and I haven't actually responded to any emails. Every time I try I just can't seem to finish. There still have been a lot of tears at my house and I read the other posts about dogs mourning with interest because I know that Otis is still feeling the pain too. For the most part I would say he is ok, he is getting lots of extra toys and bones (he's my non-basset and a BIIIIIIG chewer) and I've taken him to the park and to meet my mom's Basset too. Those are things he didn't get to do much before because they would fight over toys and bones. The worst part though is when I go to work. I only work 3 days a week, but it is very long hours. The vet gave me some ideas on what I can do to make it a little easier, so I'll be trying those this week. On Monday I had to go over there and pick up her ashes. I've decided to plant a "Charlie Plant" and place the box in the pot too. The vet also gave me a really nice gift, it is a small wooden box with Charlie's name and date on the top, along with her big fat paw print....inside the box is a lock of her fur. They have all been so kind over there, I'm glad I switched to them a year ago. I've also been checking the Basset rescues in the area, just seeing who is out there. I'm not in a hurry really, but it's been helpful to see there are other fish in the sea, so to speak. I think I am ready (it's just not right for me not to have 2 dogs), but don't want to rush Otis too much. I've seen quite a few that sound like they would be a good fit at our house though, so we'll see. Thank you again and I hope all is well in all the other houndy homes.<BR>
Tracy :o) <BR><RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><br /><hr />Windows Live™: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_AE_Faster_022009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>