<div>Claire:<br>The extremely thin basset you saw on the Flickr page is named Lucinda. We got her in last fall from a cruelty case in Blount Co., Tenn. She was nearly dead from starvation when she came in and heartworm positive. She had been left outdoors with no shelter in single-degree temps. She was pregnant, unbeknownst to her neglectful owners, and she had the puppies out in that pen and they froze to death. That's when we got her. On top of all her other problems, she had heartworms.<br>
<br>She is now back to a normal weight and ready to begin heartworm treatment. <br> <br>You can see her on our web site, here:<br><a href="http://www.bellyrubs.org/lucinda.html">http://www.bellyrubs.org/lucinda.html</a><br>
<br>Thanks for asking about her. We've had a absolute run of seriously abused dogs in the last six months. <br> <br>Leanne Potts<br>President, Belly Rubs Basset Rescue</div>