Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.<br>dis Nigel I fink...<br>I lookin at da Droooooooollllllllllll and I seen dis.......awwsumely beyootiful houndie an I fink i reeelly reeelly in lub...be still my hart.<br>She da mosss....she got da prittiest eers an...oh my .....she eben gots....dare I say it?...LEGS!!!! A Basset wif LEGS to wrap my sweet tongue arou<br>
<br>LLEWIS WHUT!?? I RITING LUB LEDDER! <br>(Llewis you seen dis Babe?? I meen you ever seed enyfing so beyootiful in you.).....whut?<br><b>NO</b>.<br><i><b>NO </b></i>Llewis you rong!!<br>LLewis no you brakin my hart!! Not a Basset? But lookit dem eers, lookit dat oh sweet sweet face!!! Lookit dat <span style="color: rgb(204, 102, 204);">pinky</span> tummy!!! Llewis you gotta be rong you juss gotta be rong tell me you kiddin.<br>
<br>You not.<br>She a whut? BLOODHOUND?? She kills fings??? Dat sweetie pie? No she TREKS fings?? Oh. Oh. Oh.<br><br>********************************************* **************************************<br>
************************************ <br><br>I still in Lub. Mebbe we go Trekkin sometime, hunh Babe? Liddel trekkin in da woods you an me, share a biscuit or two???<br><br>
Lub and drool to SAGE da moss beyootiful Hound i eber seed. I is yours.<br>Nigel<br>