<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P>Our 14 year old long legged Taz had to be sent to the bridge on Monday night. The weakness and pain in her back and rear had gotten too much for her to bear and we made the decision to let her be pain free. Taz has been my constant shadow since she was 6 weeks old and my heart is broken knowing she isn't with us anymore. </P>
<P>Taz has been Junior's love since we got him as a puppy over 3 years ago. Its very obvious to us that he misses her terribly and is grieving as much as we are. I'm hoping that tonight when we bring her ashes home that he will some how sense that she is back with us again.</P>
<P><BR>Thanks, <BR>Siobhan <BR><BR>Waddle for Dollars http://www.firstgiving.com/junior118 <BR><BR>Junior - http://www.dogster.com/dogs/469807 <BR>Taz(atb) - http://www.dogster.com/dogs/469809 <BR>Nessy - http://www.dogster.com/dogs/910275 <BR><BR> <BR><BR></P></div></body></html>