Heloo there.<br>This is Mitchell. I were sleepin in my new hawse when dose two dumys, Coopr an Nigel deside to hab a fissfite. Ok a dogfite. Rite ousside my hawse nockin inna walls an meking all kinsa noyse an stoff ober a chewy. So heer come MomPerson alla blazin. Chewy now sumplase nobuddy hab it.<br>
I writing cuz I feelin reel good taday. I hab gud daze an bad daze an taday were a reely good won. I eben went frum my hawse to da kichen wiffout trippin slippin slidin or fallin down. Dis berry good!<br>DadPerson bot me a harnis. It speshul me onlee. Feel reel cozy init, reel safe. Can walker good long as sumwon holdin da straps. Taday I walker good eben wiffout!! Aways anyways. Not far. <br>
I been reel good.<br>I stay in my hawse. It mosta da libin room enyways. At nite it smallr but dat ok cuz at nite I sleep enyways mossly. If I needa go ousside I tell Coopr. Coopr tell MomPerson. Sumtime she say coopergoaway. So den Coopr he go git DadPerson who git MomPerson or sumtime he put me harniss on me an he an me gos ousside. But I nose dat I needs enyfing I tells Coopr and he tells dem.<br>
<br>Alzo I ritin ta thenk all youse rite an esk how I doin. I doin, I doin. I keep on trunkin. Llewis whut YOU want, I not Nigel! Oh. Oh well fank you, Llewis, dat kinely ob youse. I keeps on TRUCKIN.<br>Fanks agin all youse senting drool, Dere be odders need it more n I needs it. So pleese sent it to dose whut needs it mossly. An dere peepels whut hartbroke at all dem sweet Houndies headed for da Bridge. My liddel Girl, Zelda, she be dere to say hellos to dem. (Member you manners, Zelda.)<br>
<br>Love and Sweet Snooters,<br>Mitchell of Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell and Cooper an MomPerson an DadPerson<br>