<div>Dis are Stella, the recently-moved-to-Texas-houndette. I habs news. I habs a JOB. Momma sez dat my job are to help her cool off. Hmmm... okaaayyy. Den I fines owt whut "cool off" meens. It meens WALKIES and SNUGGLES. If Momma goes joggin, den she comes and gets me afferwerds to WALKIES wif her while she gaspin for air. Hmmm... seems to me maybe she should werk on da joggin a wittle bit. De odder part of dis "cool off" job is eben bedder. Momma is a nurse... for weely sick peeples. She werks at a peeple vetspital and all. Sumtimes she gets very distra.... dishwat... no... upset about she werk. So den she tewws me aww abowt it. And my job... dis iz da eezy part... is to snooter her an lean on her an snorfle her an snuggle wif her until she feews bedder. DIS IS GWATE. I awways snuggled her... she seems to need me... but now I gots extwa weasons to snuggle. YAY!! </div>
<div>I awso wans to send wots of dwool. Dere are too meny houndies leebin. So many snooters an snorfles an snuggles to dose whut are sad. Momma's firs bassy Molly will be at de bwidge to meet dem. Momma sez she was berry nice to eberbody all de time. Weww off to check on de Momma. It might be times to werk, you know.</div>
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