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Today is Gunter's birthday, I can't believe my baby is already 3. He already has his big boy brains, I was very lucky and he came with them intact :-) He will have all his favorites today - a peanut butter birthday cake from the doggy bakery, a new smoked beef bone (of course Wulfie got one too) from the indoor farmers market, a new squeaky toy and all the bellyrubs and snuggles he wants. I love my beautiful sweet boy, he is so good and such a sweetheart. <br><br>Bev - I LOVE the shoes, they have to be the basset version of Ruby slippers! And I was so glad to hear from Grandpa Mitchell, I hope he continues to feel better.<br><br>With all the goodies he and Wulfie will have tons of healing drool to
send to all the sick buppies and heart healing drool to all the
families that have lost a furbaby to the bridge - there have been so
many lately it is hard to read the drool. My heart goes out to all of
you - we have lit candles all week.<br><br>Kim with Gunter (squeakers must die), Wulfie (hey I get some cake too, right)? and the cats (George, Stevie, Chloe and Onyx atb)<br><br><br><br /><hr />It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_AE_Same_022009' target='_new'>Get your account now. </a></body>