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Thanks Susan for the plug of Bassetku! I also cannot recommend your book enuf YOU HAD ME AT AHROOO - a must have for every DROOLER~!<BR>
That said - I have 30 copies of BASSETKU left. They are $10 each and half goes to Basset Rescue of Florida or House of Puddles. Quirky haiku poetry accompanied by all basset photos! Most of the dogs pictured are residents of HoP or my pets! e-mail me for more details! <A href="mailto:my4hounds@hotmail.com">my4hounds@hotmail.com</A> We sold a lot for Valentine's Day - now think of all those other spring holidays - St. Pat's for every leprechaun on your list, Easter - every bunny needs a copy of BASSETKU!, Mother's Day - perhaps the most important of all! After all - every Basset had/has a Mother! Many people have also bought a copy for themselves and a copy for their local rescues to sell or auction - what special DROOLERS!<BR><BR><BR>
<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU and the all Bassets all the time BASSETKU!</FONT></EM></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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