<div>Susan, </div>
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<div>When our coon hound/basset mix, Murphy, had developed degenerative disc disease his skin would 'crawl' when you ran your fingers down his spine just as you are doing in the pic. He never shook his back end though as in the first pic. When this developed he had a couple incidents of pain followed by 'confinement and meds' which would bring him around to normal again and then one day he collapsed and had no use of his back legs. At that point an orthopedic vet removed the bad pieces of disc and he was confined to 'off-his-feet' crate rest for 8 weeks. He is now walking and doing fine 2 years later.<br>
<br>We are working on back drool for just in case he needs it.</div>-- <br>Pwincess LilyGurl, Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br><br>