Izzy has been as usual a very busy busy girl.<br><br>The other day I heard her go down <span class="nfakPe">the</span> hall towards my bedroom, her favorite haunt. I hear a klunk sound and I didn't get up and run because I thought I had put everything valuable up (she is now 8 months old and into eating remote controls and phones). <span class="nfakPe">The</span>
next thing I can hear is a phone ringing like if I was making a call.
I can't believe I could hear it from my desk but realize oh no she is
actually making a phone call - please don't let it be 911. I run down the hall to <span class="nfakPe">the</span> bedroom and I hear a woman's voice on <span class="nfakPe">the</span> phone saying hello hello hello. As I walk in <span class="nfakPe">the</span> bedroom, there is Izzy looking all innocent and puzzled on <span class="nfakPe">the</span> bed with <span class="nfakPe">the</span> phone right in front of her. <br>
<br>I picked up the phone just as <span class="nfakPe">the</span> woman hung up so I disconnected <span class="nfakPe">the</span> call and pushed <span class="nfakPe">the</span> redial button and it said "Avery Road Animal Hospital"!!! She had <span class="nfakPe">called</span> our <span class="nfakPe">vet</span>!!! So then I dialed <span class="nfakPe">the</span>
number to see who had answered and it was the receptionist I know. So I told her it was me and I said I wanted to tell you that Izzy just <span class="nfakPe">called</span> you on <span class="nfakPe">the</span>
phone all by herself. She just about lost it. She said oh she must
miss us and I said she probably wanted to report me for eye drop cruelty (she has had an eye infection - all cleared up now but she really hated those eye drops).<br><br>I still don't know exactly how she managed to dial that number but the phone does have a directory and that number is stored in it. I am wondering if she has her own black book.<br>
<br>If you get any strange or howling phone calls it might be Izzy. <br><br>Take care, drool to all in need.<br><br>XOXOXOXXOXOXO<br>Izzy (what a fun toy I found that makes so many interesting noises and even talks to me}<br>
& Teddy (I would never...)<br>& the befuddled mom Beth<br>