This is LilyGurl pawing in on the ball topic. The little pipsqweak...err..I mean little Rudy-boy loves to chase balls. Mom has 8 of them from Petsmart..they are the size of tennis balls but they have sqweaking ability...doesn't take much to entertain a little pipsqweak! Mom throws them down the hall and he races after them and brings them back..he will give it back if he sees mom raise her arm with another one about to be thrown. After he gets mom worn down (I tawght him this part) he runs down the hall and tags the ball and runs back empty mouthed so mom throws another one. Eventually he has them all at the end of the hall and silly mom has to fetch them herself..of course!<br>
<br>Pwincess LilyGurl, Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br><br>