<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Basset people understand the ups and downs of the Drool. I was so excited to see a thread on senior dogs pooping and not knowing it, only to have tears streaming down my face thirty seconds later when I read about Mitchell and his trip to the Bridge. What a reunion it will be with Zelda. He will love watching over all the buppies at the Bridge. Oh dear, Mustang Sally just came to mind, now I really need to go get a kleenex.</DIV>
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<DIV>I have to weigh in on the issue of senior dogs and pooping. Always good to know I am not alone. My geriatric chocolate lab Barney Blue Butler Wilson does this. To make it Basset related, he is training me for the day when Low Bed and Mary Myrtle might face this issue. Barney poops quite often in his sleep and sometimes while he is trying to get to the door. It is ot a housebreaking issue, it is a senior issue in our case. As Angelika said it is best to not make a big deal about it and to just clean it up. I am glad Barney has firm poop, it is easy to clean. I keep the supplies right there in the bedroom for when the smell wakes me up.</DIV>
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<DIV>It is further complicated in that Barney poops about every three or four hours. Just like having a newborn I would guess, having never had one. We get up between midnight and one in the morning, again between three and four, and so it goes. If I wake up at the allotted time I will wake Barney up and walk around the yard with him. Or, the smell wakes me up and we go outside anyway in case he was not done. Then at five in the morning he is ready for breakfast and there is no sleep after that.</DIV>
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<DIV>Toilet issues notwithstanding I still have an enormous soft spot for the seniors and it is the promise I made to them that I will keep adopting the old guys and gals. The rewards far outweigh the inconveniences of cleaning up after them.</DIV>
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<DIV>Drool to all who need it especially to Annie in Tennessee that she will keep healing and learn to trust humans and will find a loving forever family soon.</DIV>
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<DIV>Kelly Jane and the Wilson Gang</DIV></td></tr></table><br>