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Rene asked about Buddydawg's new pooping habit... It is very common in seniors that they lose the ability to 'feel' the urge to go. Nature will move that poop along even if the basset in question doesn't know he has to go. I know this well with Elvis ( who has spondylosis and currently can't walk.) >From what I have learned the bowels will move things along on their own. It's when they can't go pee you have to worry! It is difficult not only for the human who has to clean it up- but for the hound who finds himself 'shamed' when he realizes what he has done. It's easiest to not make a fuss and just clean it up. There is no reason for reprimand~ they really don't feel when they need to go- or the feeling comes too late. Your best bet is to make sure that his diet causes firm poops- easiest to clean up! Have an air freshener handy and some wipes for clean up. I mop my floors a whole lot more now that I ever have lol !<BR>
A quick note on Elvis- this last week he stood himself up twice- both times for just a second- but he did it! He was on the porch yelling at the herd of deer- this gets him so excited that he was 'flying' along while telling them off! I am anxious for the snow to go away so he can get back in his cart... he is getting much better all the time and I think getting back into his 'wheels' will get him back on all fours much faster.<BR>
droolies,Angelika<BR><br /><hr />Windows Live™ Groups: Create an online spot for your favorite groups to meet. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/groups?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_groups_032009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>