Dis Brudder Elwood. Ohhhhhh, we gotz da problumz, dis biggie problumz. Da Brudder herez to tellz da peepz all me planz ob moobin on are a swishin round in da big porcelin bowl in da sittin roomz. <br>
Da Brudder gonna wail. Git dem earflaps up. Dis been a hard dey.<br>
See, I bee a packin me bowlz to go lib wif Ebil Annie,whut git to stay up an watch da moobies, den I find out dat Auntie "I WILL GRIND DEM TOEBONES" Sandi, whut be Norm's Momma, lib reelz close, an dat wooman can smell a growin toenail frum a hunnerd milez. I fink. Moobies?? Toebones?? Elder Clara??? I bout to decide when da Momma com in frum a bein on da road an lookin at dem wrecked up autermobilez, but summfin bee realz wrong wif dis picsure. Momma gots on da white sweater, whut gotz da red bloodz down da front, she gotz her paw all wrapped up an she moanin. She git on da tellyphone an she call summfin called "Da Boss". I gib him a woof,an lift up me earflap, I git da gossipz.<br>
Momma tellz bout how da car dun gone wild an da door slam an it gotz her paw all smashie,and she hab to open da door to get da paw escapin.<br>
He talkin, da brudder no hear.<br>
Momma seyz Broke?, don't know, da paw as big as a plate, dis heppin far awey an Momma hab to dribe long time to git home, and she no stop cause her furcoat look bad.<br>
He talkin agin, da brudder no hear.<br>
Ohhh, da wurdz she be a usin, da Brudder seez him life be a swooshin.<br>
She hang up da telly. She seyz Brudder Elwood, me thumb an me hand be realz bad,youze gonna hab to help da Momma.<br>
I gib herez da eyeball. Brudder Elwood ain't got no thumz and me life bee good, whut da problum herez? <br>
Dere she go agin wif da wurdz. Why me earflapz bee burnin, dat dem sebin dirty wurdz all at one time. Whoa, dis bad. <br>
I unpack me bowl. I stey an help me Momma. <br>
Ebil Annie, we gonna see youze at da waddle. I be da one wif da toebones. Dishpan toebones dat is.<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Drool to all in need<br>
Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake, OEBE Elder Clara - Queen of Farts,<br>
Brudder Elwood OEBE<br>
Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds</div>
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