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<DIV id=post_message_3927304>I was talking to my brother Sonny and his wife Lori about all of the houndies needing help and the rescues operating from penny to penny~ Being the animal lovers that they are ( they have two hound rescues of their own GiGi & Sammy along with their 3 labs~)he owns his own jewlery store in South Carolina and as we were talking we were trying to figure out a way that the jewlery store could help~ This is what we come up with~~~Many of us have jewlery sitting in our jewlery box that we have not worn in years but never know what to do with it and The price of gold is soooo high right now!! Now is the time to turn in broken peices and gold that you are not using~SO if you send your old gold to my brother he will pay top dollar for the gold sent to him and he will dontate 10 % of what is paid to you to the rescue of your choice~My brother is very honest and he will pay top price for gold~ The way it will work is you mail him your gold to an address provided and he will test the gold for the Caret Such as 10,14,18 24 caret then weigh the gold and pay top price for the days gold price~He will then send you a check for the amount that the gold pays out to be and then a send a check for <BR><BR>10% of the total amount to the rescue of your choice to the address provided~So when you send your gold you need to include a note as to which rescue you want the dontation to go to along with their address~Also state wether you want the money for your gold sent back to you or donated to a rescue~Once the donation is made you will be sent a note cofirming that X amount was dontated to such & such rescue by the diamond collection thanks to you~ I am including a link to his jewlery store site so you can put a face to a name and see his business his web site is <A href="http://diamondcollectionfinejewelry.com/" target=_blank><FONT color=#0066cc>http://diamondcollectionfinejewelry.com/</FONT></A><BR><BR>If you are interested in doing this please e-mail me at <A href="mailto:jskrista@hotmail.com"><FONT color=#0066cc>jskrista@hotmail.com</FONT></A> and I will get you the information you need and I will be happy to try to answer any questions~</DIV><br /><hr />Windows Live™ Contacts: Organize your contact list. <a href='http://windowslive.com/connect/post/marcusatmicrosoft.spaces.live.com-Blog-cns!503D1D86EBB2B53C!2285.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_UGC_Contacts_032009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>