Dis be Nigel. An Llewis. Hey Brudder Elwood, you Mama slamt she hand in da car dore??? Why she do dat? Now MomPerson tawkin bout pakin she bags an goin to Virgin Beech. She figger she an Aunt Sandi can Mamanap you Mama an get her to da Peepelspital. She onlee gots won hand leff to hang onto stuf wiff so dey shold be abel to drag she to da E. Mergin room. MomPerson say she otter go to da E.Mergin room dere in Virgin Beech. Or whatebber. Brudder you an E.Clara just drag she on down to dat room an git dat limpy hand tekin care ob.We meen we dont mine loneing you our MomPerson but we finks you an E.Clara can prolly do it yourselbs. Line E Clara's tailpipe up wif you Mom's nose......<br>
<br>Lub an hugs an drool to you MomPerson<br>Nigel an Llewis<br><br>(Youse nose it mite be socool dribbin down da hiway wif blud drippin down da dore....SHUDDUP LLEWIS I can too say dat! Elwood unnerstan you juss such a pantingwaist. Whut? Do I nose whut dat is? Yes I do. It a...a...a pantingwaist, dat whut. Gimme dat book. No you dontgimmedat<br>