Welcome and good luck with the newbie.<br>If you think the Basset is not feeling well, have a Vet check it out. He may just be missing people.<br>Otherwise:<br>Normal temp for a dog is 101 to 102.5. So they're going to feel warmer than you all the time. I usually check the inside of the ear flap. I feel it with the back of my hand-- if it is red and hot, then I use an LED rectal thermometer to check. Lube the end, lift tail, insert. You can buy one for about $5 from your Vet that reads out in about 6 seconds. It is called a "Vet One" and is the best money I ever spent. Well, pretty much anyway.<br>
<br>Sick Bassets show lack of enthusiasm for the things they were happy about yesterday, like eating, treats, walkies, eating, treats, treats, playing, eating, and treats. A Basset who is not eating has a problem, and perhaps should see a Vet.<br>
A dog that vomits more than a couple of times, has diarrhea more than a couple of times, vomits bloody stuff or has blood in the stool needs to see a Vet now. A Basset that cannot get up, cries out when it moves or walks needs a Vet, of course, but I suspect you know this stuff already since it is mostly common sense.<br>
<br>Pretend the Basset is a kid. If a kid did that, would you take her to the Vet? (sorry-- doctor.) If the answer is yes, you just answered your own question.<br><br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis and Cooper<br>