Elder Clara here. This be a wonderful dey in Elder Clara's world. Yup Bessie, whut I worry so terrible bout gonna git da furebber home. She nebber hab to scrounge frum da trash or be cold again.<br>
Ob course dis fank youze to da rescue folks ob da Droopy Bassets, an all da fine folks dat worry rite wif me bout dis senior houndie. Elder Clara gotz a mission ob gittin all senior houndies a home. We hab to help cause we oldsterz be da ones nobodie wantz, an we really be da bestest. We no troublez, we eat, we sleep, and we love--<br>
Okey, Momma dun gab me da signal, she gonna talk now.<br>
When I first posted to help Bessie, there were many wonderful droolers that wrote, donated, many offered her a home. But there was one fine drooler, Barbara, from San Diego CA that wrote several times, I will never forget that post-she said Debbie, she has to come here, rest in the sun, never to want for a thing, Bessie is "my" Elder Clara. I wrote her back and said, do you really know how far this is??? Not a problem she said, she will make it happen. We hooked her up with Droopy Basset Rescue and since that time, we have stayed in contact-and as we all have been, she was a nervous wreck at the home check-love for a hound can sure do that-but Bessie now has a forever home. And 3 other bassets for company too!!!<br>
To all of you that helped and worried, and donated, we say thank you.<br>
Barbara, a special lady-with her own Elder Clara. You know how we feel!!<br>
To Droopy Bassets-and all the rescues, this is what it is all about. Congrats!<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Drool to all in need<br>
Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake, OEBE Elder Clara - Queen of Farts,<br>
Brudder Elwood OEBE<br>
Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds</div>
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