Hi Everyone,<br><br>I have a big favor to ask you. My boyfriend (Kit), and Humphrey's beloved PapaSlave, is a producer of a fantastic music video webseries called 99 DOLLAR MUSIC VIDEOS (<a href="http://www.99dollarmusicvideos.com">www.99dollarmusicvideos.com</a>), which pairs amazing new bands with up and coming directors and gives them a budget of up to $99 to make a music video. Every week, a new video goes up. Kit shot this week's video, and it's really amazing. To make this basset-related, Humphrey loves the song, and the musician, Jeffrey Lewis, gave Humphrey a really great bellyrub when he came over to see a rough cut edit of the video.<br>
<br>Here's the link to the video: <a href="http://www.99dollarmusicvideos.com/musicvideos/episode/99MV_20090312">http://www.99dollarmusicvideos.com/musicvideos/episode/99MV_20090312</a><br><br>Please, please watch! It's not a very long song but it's really cool and Humphrey will be really grateful that everyone saw his Papa's hard work.<br>
<br>Thank you all so much, and tons of drool to all in need.<br><br>- Rebecca, Kit, Humphrey & Professor Bix<br>