Dis Brudder Elwood. We still gotz da waterz a comin down, an me Daddy not a mekein dis no betterz. He seyz Rub a Dub Dub dere Brudder Elwood, go on out an pee. Now dooze dis seem fair??? Nigel an Llewis and Mister Cooper go out dere a gittin da bacon an Brudder Elwood git soggy, But---Brudder Elwood not too sure bout whut Miss Fran cookin ober dere at da next house, da Brudder seez da smoke a comin out da doorz round bout cookin time, so meebe we go bivist dis Roger guy, git da goodz. I meke a note to call Nigel, we all go togedder.<br>
We hab liddel problum round me home last nite. I tellz youze all liddel storie. <br>
Daddy a watchin dat specul TB, da liddel round fing go in da hole, a moobie showz up, and he git this reemote,whut he keepz frum we brudderz, and he do whut he call da crank it up. Momma callz it da neighborz can heer it too. Dis inteeruptz me nap. <br>
Well whutebber Daddy be a watching on dis moobie gotz barkin big doggies dat do da reeeaaallly mean snap an growl. I lift me headbone,why dem fingz sound bicious. I lay me headbone back down. Sister Daisy she come on in da flap, wipe da waters on da couch and why dem doggies in da moobie do da snappy an da growl real bad agin. Sister Daisy, she run rite ober dere by Momma.<br>
Den it heppin. Da arrommaz fill da whole room. I look, hmmmm, gas bag Clara she be a snoozin, an dat roma choke da brudder, and Momma git a sniffy, Brudder Elwood watchin dis, cause being da smart one, Brudder Elwood seez whut heppin.<br>
Da moobie wif da doggie whut bee mean dun scared Sister Daisy and she blowed herz anneral gland all ober the rug.<br>
Now dis be a mess I heer to tellz you. Dere ain't no mistakin dat smell, and Sister Daisy musta been a carrin a full load when she blowed. Why ebbin Elder Clara wake up.<br>
Well Momma git Sister Daisy all cleaned up, and Daddy he git da Momma mean mouf fur da moobie and he git da specul moochine dat do da clean. <br>
We needz new rug. Daddy needz new rumpbone cause Momma done do da I told youze so.<br>
Brudder Elwood go back outside to suck da air,Sister Daisy gotz da air freshner tied to herz tail.<br>
An it still rain bucketz.<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Drool to all in need<br>
Debbie Winchester<br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake, OEBE Elder Clara - Queen of Farts,<br>
Brudder Elwood OEBE<br>
Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds</div>
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