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We are all sleeping soundly, at least the bassets are. Maggie is plopped in the donut without the charcoal. She ate a piece of it sometime today because the remnants were all over the carpet. The main piece is still in tact and sitting on the patio. Shelby was outside with Maggie a little while ago just bellowing up a storm. Shelby is a very quiet girl who is happy to sit and watch things happen, usually. I'm glad she was barking. It must mean she feels at home here. She is such a sweet little thing. Shelby loves her food and her belly rubs but most of all, she loves Nic. She loves to be carried up the stairs each night to sleep with him. His mattress is on the floor so she doesn't need help getting on it. <BR>
I got into it with son#2 because of a huge mess he has made and won't clean up. Anyway, I finally gave up bugging him and just laid down for a while this afternoon. I was upset and Ninja came to comfort me. She made sure she was touching me, just so I would know she was there. She is touching me right now. So I don't forget that love is always here. <BR>
Marley is still itching. I can't see a topical cause. She just grumbles and itches. We are going to the vet on Saturday. I hope she has some hair left by then. It isn't that bad really. <BR>
Drool to all those in need. We have plenty. I took a new purse to work today and what should be sitting on it but a lovely trail of shiney drool. I guess it could have been worse. They could have peed on it. <BR>
>From Ninja-the mommy blankie, Marley-the itchy grump, Maggie-lover of charred things, and Shelby-just happy to be eating and sleeping Live is good in Illinois<BR><br /><hr />Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. <a href='http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_allup_1b_explore_032009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>