Hey Boyz, <div>Hopem youz is not getting what we gots here yesterday. The Momma here wuz messing with this plastic thingy and then she takes a shower. I sneaks up stairs to take a look. The boy 2 leggers ratted me outs. He howwered to the Momma telling her I gots up the stairs. Somebody left open da gate to the stairs. I snuck upstairs and takes a look at Hammie the hamster in his acq...acquar.. in his cage thingy. The Momma screams oh my goshes Maggie shouldn't be ups here on the stairs. So, the 2 legger boy helps me down. Then, the Momma leaves with the 2 brothers (doxies) and leaves me and Mazzie heres. Mazzie so mads she howling at the window. Then, they is gone forever and ever and then they comes back and the 2 legger girl is carrying a box thing. Oooh, white box, I have heards about how goods these is. We 4 sniff, sniff, sniff........ooooh leftovers? Na, they run upstairs and talking about pawsome. Pawsome? This thingy has some paws? Whats? No, they want to name him pawsome, then no, he is "Jonas Pawsome" as a name. He looks like a tiny pawsome they saids. We not gets to see what the thingy even is. I asked the bwothers whats it is and they said it looks like Hammie, but differnt colors. We not gets to see as they lives upstairs. THe white box was not the ones I heards about. We need white boxes here. Nope, ours had holes in it and it was not for us to eat. Lordy be, another hamster. I am doing my duty of guarding the gate at the stairs to see if they gets loose and I mights just have to show thems whose house this is iffin they get out. See, my Momma not cwean for the Jonas to come home, but hers did clean when we gots a home inspectwion one day. Hers cleans alots. I fink that yous is getting a family member as others might have said too. Momma wants another girl here as we are getting outnumbered with the hamsters being boyz. Daddy saids no more dogs! We is not dogs. We is furry kids. Me wondering if you getting another furry kid. Anywho, I see a squirrel gots to go.</div>
<div>Bark at ya later,</div><div>Maggie Mae LaRock<br clear="all"><br>